The Global Partnership for Education (GPE) is a working partnership of governments, civil society, international organizations, teachers, foundations, and the private sector who together help developing countries access technical and financial resources, and global and local expertise, to ensure that every child receives a quality basic education, prioritising the poorest, most vulnerable and those living in countries affected by fragility and conflict. It is the only multilateral partnership and funding platform that aims to strengthen education systems in developing countries in order to dramatically increase the number of children who are in school and learning.
GPE supports education in fragile and conflict-affected states, promotes girls’ education, helps countries increase basic numeracy and literacy skills, and improves teacher effectiveness. Since it was established in 2002, GPE has grown from 7 developing country partners to 65 in 2017, and is looking to expand to 89 by 2020. It supports these country partners to develop and implement education sector plans and to increase domestic resources for national education to 20% of total public expenditure.
To date, GPE has allocated nearly US$3.8 billion in support of education, making it the 5th largest donor in the sector. Nearly three-quarters of the world’s 57 million primary-school-aged children who are out of school live in GPE’s partner developing countries. Since 2002, GPE partners have achieved remarkable results and helped millions more children enrol in school for a quality education,
Here are some of its results to date:
72 million more children were in primary school in 2015 in GPE partner countries compared to 2002.
65% of GPE partner countries with data showed improved learning results between 2000 and 2015.
13.2 million children were supported by GPE in 2015 and 2016.
78% of GPE partner countries have maintained their education budget at or above 20% of public expenditure or increased their education budget in 2015.