Our Goal

The goal of the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Global Education is to raise awareness of factors affecting education in low- and middle-income countries among UK parliamentarians as well as the Government’s obligations to help achieve Sustainable Development Goal 4, Quality Education. 

The Goal
The Goal

We do this by

  • Undertaking bilateral site visits to countries where the UK Government supports the provision of education
  • Hosting events in the House of Commons and the House of Lords to raise the profile of education issues among UK parliamentarians
  •  Working with civil society and academia to disseminate current policy advice and expertise to parliamentary colleagues
  • Producing policy documents and briefings
  • Engaging with the Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) to make recommendations and suggestions
  • Working closely with the Send My Friend to School Campaign

The Secretariat

Results UK acts as the group’s secretariat. Results UK is a grassroots-based advocacy organisation that works on the issues of education, health, nutrition and economic opportunities. 

Results UK is a charity registered as RESULTS Education in England and Wales (1015286), a company limited by guarantee (2761858), and a charity registered in Scotland (SC041481). Results UK’s education work is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Contact information:

Hannah Frisch
