The APPG on Global Education held its Annual General Meeting on Monday 17th of April in Committee Room 06 in the House of Commons, electing officers, discussing past events and new activities for the coming year.

The AGM opened with words from the two Co-Chairs, Vicky Ford MP and Bambos Charalambous MP, who highlighted the cross-party nature of the APPG and the value of having different parties work together on the issue and share chairmanship

The APPG then elected officers, with all current Chairs and Vice-Chairs standing for reelection. The group reelected Ms. Ford and Mr. Charalambous as Co-Chairs. The group also voted to reelect all current Vice-Chairs – Baroness Sugg, Ms. Marion Fellows MP, Lord German, Lord Low, Baroness Blower and Lord McConnell. Patrick Grady MP was elected as a new Vice-Chair of the APPG.

The group then overviewed the events of the past year, which included:

  • A report launch from the Send My Friend to School Campaign, “All My Friends Need Teachers”
  • The Send My Friend to School Campaign Parliamentary Action Day
  • Roundtable on the Global Partnership for Education replenishment
  • Roundtable on Education Cannot Wait replenishment with Director Yasmine Sherif
  • Roundtable on the Results UK Foundations First Report on foundational learning with Minister Andrew Mitchell
  • An Emergency General Meeting in January

The APPG discussed key global moments coming up over the next year and events that members are interested in holding. Thank you to the APPG members who attended this year’s AGM!

Thank you to the APPG members who attended this year’s AGM!