On Monday, 14th of October, 2024, the APPG on Global Education held its Inaugural General Meeting (IGM), marking its re-establishment in this parliament. The meeting started with the voting of officers and the group unanimously elected Bambos Charalambous MP (Lab) as Chair and Registered Contact, Lord Michael German (Lib Dem) as Co-Chair, Baroness Christine Blower (Lab) and Mike Wood (Con) as Vice Chairs.
The group adopted the past objectives, goals and statement of purpose. Results UK was also confirmed to remain as the secretariat, serving as a resource on global education for members. Future activities for the APPG were reviewed and suggestions were made by members to amplify advocacies around barriers to education in the Middle East and to seek collaboration opportunities that raise the profile of global education.
Some of the planned upcoming events of note include the Send My Friend To School Parliamentary Action Day (Tuesday, 12th November) and the International Day of Education Debate (Friday, 24th January). Members are looking forward to adding their voices in ensuring education is restored as a key priority for the UK’s development agenda.
The APPG business was followed by a roundtable discussion on a new report by the National Education Union (NEU), outlining practical steps the UK Government can take to address the global teacher shortage. We are grateful to Celia Dignan, the International Secretary (NEU) and Olly Mawhinney, the International Policy Specialist (NEU) for their insightful presentation and responses to questions.

Members pay attention as Celia (2nd Left) presents
The inaugural meeting was attended by Bambos Charalambous MP (Lab), Lord German (Lib Dem), Baroness Blower (Lab), Mike Wood MP (Con), Tristan Osborne MP (Lab), Mike Amesbury MP (Lab), Jo Platt MP (Lab), Sarah Olney MP (Lib Dem), Llinos Medi MP (Plaid Cymru), Ann Davies MP (Plaid Cymru), Anna Gelderd MP (Lab).
Bambos Charalambous MP chaired the meeting. Thank you to all new and returning members who attended the meeting. The APPG remains committed to working towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goal 4.